16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence

16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence

Bindura Municipality is proud to be supporting the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence, an international campaign that aims to end violence against women and girls around the world.  The Mayor of Bindura His Worship Brian Kembo and Councillor W Matches joined the 16km march from Simona to Bindura Municipality Town House. The event was attended by Officials from Min of Local Governement, PDC’s Office, OPC, DDC’s Office,  Min of Youth, WICOZ, Nyaradzo, ZACH, RIGE, ZRP, ZRP (VFU), WAG, WASH, Chitsungo Men’s Network, Friends for Child Development, President’s Office and Bindura Municipality employees.

The main objective was to raise awareness among stakeholders, employees and the community at large against Gender Based Violence. The march was held under the theme:  “ORANGE THE WORLD END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS NOW: NO TO CHILD MARRIAGES”

16 Days of Activism against Gender Based violence

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