General Information

A: Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

A: Phone: +263 66210 7513, +263 66210 7518, +263 66210 7361,


Physical Address: Bindura Town House, 565 Thurlows Avenue, Box 15Bindura.

A: Water, sanitation, roads, waste management, health services, and more.

Billing and Payments

A: Online banking, mobile payments, or in-person at our offices.

A: Contact our Billing Section.

Water and Sanitation

A: Report to Plumbing office in Chipadze or Town House.

A: Submit an application form at our offices.

Waste Management

A: Contact Waste Management focal person :- Mr J Dzapasi 0772970889.

A: Domestic (household) commercial , Industrial and garden waste (hedge, trimmings,grass,etc)

Health Services

A: Clinics, vaccinations, disease control, and more.

A: Contact our health department.

A: Chiwaridzo clinic: 24hrs

    Chipadze clinic: Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:00pm

                                          Sat 8:00am-11:00am


Licenses and Permits

A: Submit an application form and required documents.

A: Submit renewal application and fees.


A: Use our online feedback form or contact our customer service department.

A: Available on our website or at our offices.

A: Check our website or contact our procurement department.